Originally Posted by Cheese
The House of Snow
I'll build a house of snow for me
On the outskirts of a forest road.
Let a blizzard in a fierce dash
Drift the high doorsteps of my house.
Let it cover the windows, doors and shutters with snow,
So that nobody could turn up at my place,
So that no uninvited guest
Could disturb my peace early in the morning.
Being spoiled by the violent fate1
I'd react in a harsh way2 at once.
I got used to sweeping away
Tatters and pest out of the corners of my house.
This is how I was raised, this is how I was taught
To be glad or to be hurt, to be proud or outraged.
If the old house is by someone burnt,
Then I'd build a new one out of snow.
Coming to visit me from across a river,
A white raven 3 has been flying above my bitterness lately.
Those who are ashamed to see
A human soul nearby, they better close their eyes.4
Let them blatter about a winged doom5,
(While sitting) on the sunset's shoulder (and) swinging their legs,6
They will go mad with laughter in the end,
And will build a house of snow for themselves.
Near a birch, I'm standing over the grave of my slain mother,7
I'm on my knees, like in front of God.
My grandparents remember, the grandparents remember,
The sun rolling down in the last meadow.
I'd build a house of snow for me
On the outskirts of a forest road.
Let a blizzard in a fierce dash
Drift the high doorsteps of my house.
Let it cover the windows, doors and shutters with snow,
So that nobody could turn up at my place,
So that no uninvited guest
Could disturb my peace early in the morning.
1. Spoilt by my fortune and daring by nature (sugg, by *sandring*)
2. litt. "I'd chop wood straight from the shoulder" meaning: "I would make a real mess of things"
3. "A white raven" - I googled a little and what I've found: " White ravens are extremely rare in nature, so they have a special symbolic significance. Unlike black birds, often associated with things obscure, dark, unknown and sometimes bad and evil, a white raven symbolizes purity and cleansing. If you see a white raven (most likely in your dream), it means you are about to literally be born again, renewed, refreshed and healed of all wounds and misfortunes. White raven’s feather is a blessing to the one that finds it and it suggest there are positive and protective forces around you.
4. They'd better close their eyes those ashamed to see a human soul by their side (sugg, by *sandring*)
5. flighty fortune (sugg, by *sandring*)
6. I believe this phrase here means "watching from a distance that someone is in trouble and doing nothing to help them"
7. At the birch-tree - my slain mother- (sugg, by *sandring*)