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Old 07-06-2022, 09:56 PM   #2804 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Apr 2022
Location: Canada
Posts: 744

I was looking at that recipe. It looks easy enough.

Montpelier is a nice city. I remember going to a restaurant there, ordering an iced tea and being surprised. Iced tea here is generally sweetened. There, it was tea, but cold. That was a first for me. Stowe and St. Albans (Jay Peak is great skiing) are nice to visit as well. I vividly remember waiting in line for beer at the Alchemist, while holding my twins who were still in diapers. Yes, I was a thirsty lad.

Tire sur la neige (syrup on snow) - a must have in spring

I've only had one piece of the pie. It's so rich, and apparently I'm the only one at home who likes it. What the hell is wrong with my family????

I'd look at taking the family back to Vermont on vacation, but we're waiting for our kids' passport renewals.

Sugar shacks on the Québec side here are rites of passage. With the French Canadian traditional breakfast, and all the syrup one can scarf down, it's food coma bliss.
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