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Old 06-29-2022, 06:15 PM   #15969 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Apr 2022
Location: Canada
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And even the one artist I kinda have a positive opinion on, Caribou, is not someone I, as you said, would consider standing for eight hours in 30 degree heat to see...
There was a time when I went every year, at least three/four years running.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great festival. I have tons of memories, from the officials pulling the plug on the Cure's set because they went past 11pm (noise bylaw), to seeing Explosions in the Sky for the first time. The venue is nice, even if it doesn't have a ton of shade, and it's easily accessible by the metro.

It's well organized too. I loved their idea of putting two stages together. One stage is being set up while the other is in use.

I've just reached the age where I don't have the stamina to go for that long.
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