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Old 06-28-2022, 09:37 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Okay, first of all let's understand something here. Few if any rock bands write lyrics in a literal sense. Slayer may have written "I've made my choice - 666!" but do they actually want to go to/believe in Hell? Perhaps, perhaps not. Sometimes these things are just metaphors, or a way to illustrate some point. Sometimes they're just written to piss people off, to get attention or to conform to an image they've either created or has been foisted upon them. Cliff Richard may have written "Devil Woman" but he was very much a Christian and people would have been quite surprised/shocked if he had professed an interest in Satanism, just as those outside the know might have wondered what Ozzy Osbourne, a self-confessed (not) believer in the Devil was doing writing love songs?

I've checked through the lyric of "Hell's Bells" and am quite frankly surprised you could come to the conclusion you did. Nowhere does it mention Scott, nor their wish he should go to hell. It's bravado. AC/DC are a band who use hell and devilish imagery in their songs a lot - "Highway to Hell", "Rock'n'Roll Damnation", "Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be", "Evil Walks" etc - but they're just songs. They're not meant to be taken as proof that these guys have any sort of interest in the occult, the afterlife or Satan. You can read too much into lyrics - I often do - but you have to also accept that your interpretation may be way off, which in this case, is certainly true.

Here's a quote from Malcolm Young, which says it all: "We take the music far more seriously than we take the lyrics, which are just throwaway lines."
Wiki is your friend.
My advice, if you don't want more "huh?" gifs and you want to be taken seriously here is pretty simple: do your research.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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