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Old 06-27-2022, 04:30 AM   #1408 (permalink)
Ayn Marx
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Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
Oh I'm glad someone takes up the local islamophobe mantel from Hawk in the name of lgbt support \s
My opposition to organised religion is fuelled by more than lgbt issues. My approach is one of skeptical agnosticism towards any group claiming God is speaking through them or they’re acting for and on behalf of the Creator/Almighty/ or whatever you want to call him/she/it. If such an entity exists it’s so far beyond our understanding any claim we know what it is/what it wants of us can be no more than over-weaning arrogance of a monumental order.
That is unless you can’t discern the difference between knowledge and faith. If so there really is little point in discussing all this.

Why is it our species has this urgent need to pretend we fully understand the reality we find ourselves in? It may be comforting to millions, it may be one method of influencing human behaviour for good or ill but is it really necessary at this stage of our evolution?

Who is this Hawk ? Are you suggesting I’m an Islamophobe? If so be prepared to discuss Sura and verse of the Koran in detail.

“And follow not that which of which thou hast no knowledge; because the hearing and the sight and the heart, - each of these shal be enquired of:
And walk not proudly on the earth, for thou canst not cleave the earth, neither shali thou reach the mountains in height:
All this is evil; odious to thr Lord.”
Koran, Sura 17. V 38 - 40.

Last edited by Ayn Marx; 06-27-2022 at 04:43 AM.
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