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Old 06-26-2022, 05:09 PM   #1403 (permalink)
Ayn Marx
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
I didn't know we had two Norwegians on the boards.
Yes, quite sad and scary. A stark reminder that even in the developed world, there are still plenty of people who want to harm others who are different than them.
But this so called developed world is hanging onto the delusion organised religions and their so called holy books must never have their chapter and verse criticised.
If I may be so politically ‘incorrect’ as to quote just one nasty passage from the Koran :-

”Oh Lord! Let not our hearts to go astray after that thouhast once guided us, and give us mercy from before thee; for verily thou art He who guideth.
O our Lord! For the day of whose coming there is not a doubt, thou wilt not fail the promise.
As for the inifidels, their wealth, and their children, shall avail them nothing against God. They shall be fuel for the fire.
After the want of the people of Pharoah, and of those who went before them, they treated our signs as falsehoods. Therefore God laid hold of them in their sins; and God is severe in punishing!
Say to the infidels: ye shale be worsted, and to Hell shall be gathered together; and wretched the couch!

Koran Sura 3 V 6 - 10.

There are equally nasty passages in the Bible but biblical scholars have been openly questioning and criticising scripture for centuries without being burnt at the stake or stoned to death.

Last edited by Ayn Marx; 06-26-2022 at 10:24 PM.
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