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Old 06-25-2022, 04:04 PM   #9 (permalink)
Lisnaholic to hear...
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Originally Posted by Exo View Post
You think this combined with the Jan 6th hearings will sway swing voters blue next election? Obviuously there are a lot of crazy conservatives who are happy, but what about the millions of moderates who are pissed?
Not my country, so not really my place to say, but I've noticed something disappointing going on with US elections: plenty of moderates get angry with the government, but then stay at home on polling day, leaving the field open for more motivated minority voices to score big, by which I mean Trumpists, evangelicals, etc. How else explain the fact that a blue gun-control tsunami has never materialized to sweep away the NRA-funded Republicans? Some observers have been waiting for that since Sandy Hook, so I'm sorry to say that today's Pro-Choice tsunami might be the same, washing up as a barely noticible dribble on polling day- like one of those waves on a flat beach that don't even get your shoes wet. "But if I'm wrong you can just say it's the first time I was happy to be confused."
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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