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Old 06-25-2022, 09:35 AM   #27 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Before I start, a few notes, which pertain to asterisks shown in the data sheets to follow:

* Refers to the first lockdown, if there were subsequent ones

** At time of writing here refers literally to when I wrote this, not when I posted it. Sadly, as cases continue to mount, even with vaccines, this figure may already have increased by the time I post this, never mind by the time you get around to reading it. The same caveat applies to vaccine uptake and current status.

*** Each country is scored, by me, on a scale of 1 to 100. 1 is a country whose people and/or government not only did not listen to the advice but went against it and which is now in a worse state because of it (and probably has the highest cases/deaths and lowest vaccine uptake) while 100 is a shining example of how to get through this with as little deaths as possible.

++ refers only to the party in power when the pandemic hit, ie from 2020, if the government changed during that time.

+++ Reaction level is based on how the public, generally, reacted to the lockdown. Were they supportive, resistant? Did they abide by it? Did it spark protests and/or violence? The level goes from 1 to 10, with 10 being total agreement and compliance and 1 being total anarchy and revolt.

Current Status: This is on a sliding scale and indicated by a letter, with a country "back to normal", in as much as any can be after two years of this pandemic, going into three, with industry back up and running, schools open, travel re-established and the population all or mostly vaccinated being ranked as A, down to a country still battling the ravages of Covid, probably not still under lockdown (as I don't think anywhere is now) but definitely struggling to recover. Letter not yet decided, possibly D or E.

Score is out of 100, and takes into account both the amount of cases/deaths, what the initial response was from government, and how the country is now.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018

Last edited by Trollheart; 06-25-2022 at 10:11 AM.
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