Originally Posted by Ayn Marx
From another thread on a different forum section :-
I've highlighted below what I would like to have more information on please.
Here is the thread suitable for this content. I am really interested in your experiences.
Originally Posted by Ayn Marx View Post
What does a peado look like?
The worst instance I’ve encountered directly was revealed by an AIDs patient I was caring for. His much older brother, a member of The Salvation Army, sold his young brother from age four to other members of The Salvation Army.
I’ll keep this as brief as I can. The trauma still lives with me.
The individual (lets call him Fred) was the ex-lover of a man in the terminal stages of AID’s. We were asked if we could find Fred and before Tony departed the planet. Not easy as he was homeless but after a few days we found him and took him to meet Tony who departed the planet a few days later but not before asking me to give Fred a place to live. Stupidly I respected the dying man’s wishes. Soon after moving in with me Fred attempted on three occasions to rape me. Only my martial arts background stoped him in his tracks. I gave him a month to move out of my house. The same morning I went out to buy milk. When I returned there was not sign of Fred until I looked out the back window and saw he’d hung himself in my garage. The police attempted to prove I’d somehow killed him which added another layer of trauma.
I soon phoned Fred’s sister to tell her the bad news only to be greeted with “How much money did he have”? Some families are cursed.
There’s more to all this but I don’t enjoy talking about it to say the least.
My god. That’s awful. I’m sorry you went through that.