^ Welcome back, Bulldog! I recognise your avatar, but I don't think you or I overlapped much in the old days. I was a newbie when you were losing interest in MB I think.
Originally Posted by ribbons
A belated Happy Father's Day to you, Plank - so glad you had a great day with Hanna and your friends. And to the other Dads of the board: Happy Father's Day to Lisna, and to Guybrush (don't think it's technically Father's Day in Norway, but an honorary salute to you just the same), and to our man music_collector in Canada. 
Thanks, ribbons! You discovered that music_collector is a dad - that's clever of you.
Originally Posted by music_collector
Thanks, you're very kind.
I had a good Father's day. My wife cooked steaks for her father and I. The kids were well behaved, albeit sick. They gave me a Paw Patrol card, with a "top dog" sticker.

Nice detail! And happy dad's day, m_c.
As for my day, it's early morning - so breakfast with coffee, some MB and the news progs. The day ahead will be much as usual I expect, which is fine by me. I had enough of angst and anxiety when I was younger, and now find myself ticking over quite ok, with few dramas to report - which is why I'm not often posting in what must be MB's most popular thread ever: Your Day.