Originally Posted by SGR
Welcome back man, it's been a while! I hope you'll stick around!
And is that what they call it in the UK? Predrinking? Here in the US, we call it pregaming. 
I'll have to remember that - I'll actually be headed up to Brownsville, Texas next fall, hopefully, and I imagine there'll be plenty of that going on
Originally Posted by WWWP
Great to see ya! Spoke with your brother briefly when he was in my neck of the woods getting married what, a year ago now?
And for the record your Armchair Guide to Costello changed the trajectory of my music taste forever. Distantly acquainted stranger pals you’ve know for more than a decade for the win! Almost feels like I should be asking after your mum.
Yeah, that kinda took us all by surprise here, he actually didn't tell any of us he was doing that. Just goes to show, sometimes real life happens like a Richard Curtis movie!
Always good to know I've managed to turn someone into another Costello fan

I should at least update that thread with the last 4 albums he's released since I was last active! I actually finally got to see him about 5/6 years ago. Great show, just a shame I had just about the worst weekend ever around it. Then again, I was in London, so I should have known what to expect....at least now I can now say I've had my London Nightmare - a rite of passage for every Brit