Originally Posted by jadis
It's pretty crazy how little remains known about the biggest mass shooting in American history... but we'll always have Paddock's brother and the powerful press conferences he's given in the aftermath
Originally Posted by SGR
It is bizarre - at the very least, it would be nice to know what drove this guy to do this to try and prevent it from happening in the future. To add to the collective understanding of what can make people on the edge snap.
Stating the obvious here but doing something about the availability of weapons would probably help. Europe also has a bunch of crazy, violence prone people. They just luckily don't have easy access to weapons.
OT: I finally saw Madres paralelas (Parallel mothers) by Pedro Almodovar. Not one of his best but still very engaging. First movie of his that I remember that is explicitly political (deals partly with the issue of the civil war dead which in Spain is still a controversial subject).