One thing I like about this thread is how it throws together music of such variety. It's like a monument to the musical inventiveness of the human race. Recent highlights, to me:-
Originally Posted by Stephen
Not folky in the least on this one but Raja Kirik have reinterpreted traditional Javanese aesthetics on this research project turned electronic duo.
= weirdest music I have heard in a long long time! Thanks, Stephen.
Originally Posted by Ayn Marx
This is really nice song, Ayn! It put me in mind of Corb Lund, another cowboy often caught in a mellow mood. There's even an overlap of video images with his poignant song, The Truth Comes Out:-
I just love the sound of the hurdy-gurdy, although in it's hardcore form perhaps a little is better than a lot. Nice balance of voice and instrument on that Red Peonies song, Exo.
According to a youtube comment, Andrey Vinogradov is playing a regional variation called a wheel fiddle. What intrigues me about the sound here is the way we hear a clicking as he presses the keys, which thus becomes an integral part of the music. That's unusual isn't it? On a piano, for example, you just hear the note from the string, not the creaking of the rods and hammers - unless of course you ever watched this music-quiz prog they used to have on tv:-