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Old 06-13-2022, 07:16 PM   #23 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Apr 2022
Location: Canada
Posts: 744

Things played out almost in the same fashion here. Who does that "Let the bodies hit the floor" song? That could have been the theme song for our governments' responses during the first year. There were some good decisions, though they were overshadowed by the large number of deaths, specifically among our elderly.

I admit, I was very worried for the first six months. By then, the contradictory information and mixed messages flooded in, making for an apathetic population. Still, I followed every rule put forth. At work, we needed permission by two levels of management in order to go on site to fix something.

I can remember worrying about the events I'd miss, such as our Rogers Cup (tennis tune up for the US open), Roger Waters live, and most of all, a hockey tournament I look forward to each year. In hindsight, I'm happy they were all postponed or cancelled. At the time, I was feeling almost as low as those Irish folk who missed the St. Patrick's parade.

Seeing a doctor do a daily press conference was weird. At first, everyone hung on each word out of their mouths. Eventually, they were lumped in with the other politicians and completely ignored. I know a few doctors had received death threats. Unreal.

The panic buying (nice photo there, by the way) was beyond laughable. Toilet paper somehow became the most sought after item on shelves everywhere. A few days before we went into lock down, I visited a grocery store. Produce (fresh and frozen), dairy, and meats were scarce. I went in to buy milk for my kids. There was none to be had. I stopped at a nearby pharmacy. I bought one bag of milk for the family. I wasn't going to be like those other selfish hoarding idiots.
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