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Thread: Drugs and Music
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Old 06-12-2022, 05:22 PM   #6 (permalink)
Ayn Marx
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by robhr View Post
I need drugs to make music.

I can do other creative stuff without but yeah my music has been suffering since I moved in with my parents and can't do drugs.
‘Drugs’ covers a wide field. Without maryjane my artistic flair fails me.
However, I’ve been told by viewers that without them being stoned they can’t make any sense out of my art. But should art ‘make sense’ ? Reminds me of working in an open kitchen many decades ago where one of my works hung just on the other side. A group of art lecturers standing in front of my work gave a detailed analysis of what it all meant. Hearing the pretentious bullshXt they came out with I told them they had no idea what they were talking about “How would you know” etc was the response. I took great joy in telling them I was the artist.
They departed in a huff.

Now back to the music. . . .
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