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Old 06-06-2022, 08:37 PM   #12 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Apr 2022
Location: Canada
Posts: 744

There are at least a couple of changes I'd like to see made with our system. For starters I don't think our politicians should be able to choose our judges nor should they be elected. They should be independent of partisan politics and decide based on the Constitution and their own conscience.

I also don't like the idea of political parties. Anyone should be able to run for office without having to follow some sort of party line. Again, they should be able to vote based on the needs of their constituents and, again, of their own conscience.
There is something I never understood with regard to party loyalty in the U.S.. It seems to me (likely based on what the media spews at us) that you're either a hardcore Dem or hardcore Rep. There is no in between. That people literally fight those allegiances, I don't understand. It's as if each party is a family in the mafia. We're slowly becoming that way as well.

Judges are appointed here. Senators are also appointed. Neither is a good idea. I'm sure most of you heard about the freedom convoy in January. One of the organizers (conservative leaning) was arrested. On her first day in court, she was in front of a liberal appointed judge. The judge was a liberal candidate in a recent federal election (my old riding, actually). The person was denied bail. The charges against her were mischief, obstruction of police, and intimidation. She appealed shortly after, implying that the judge's liberal leanings suggested that she was held without bail for political reasons. She won, and was granted bail.
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