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Old 06-05-2022, 10:11 PM   #10 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Apr 2022
Location: Canada
Posts: 744

Nice Leslie Nielsen meme. I love his movies.

Belligerence by the leadership? I think that in Canada's case, it might've been more a case of arrogance. There were too many people thinking they, and only they, knew what was good for the masses. It led to lots of dead bodies. It divided the populace even more than it already was. Anyone who wasn't vaccinated was dubbed all of the current woke insults by our highest ranking politicians and Facebook experts.

Do as I say, not as I do, became the Covid policy. Much like others around the world, our politicians decided they weren't subject to the rules they put in place. Going on vacation while in lockdown? No problem. Having huge gatherings while in lockdown? Ok dokily.

My family was lucky. My wife and I didn't lose our jobs. In fact, my wife's workload almost doubled. A fourteen hour work day became the rule for her, not the exception.

Our kids suffered. They started kindergarten in 2020. The school year was almost a write-off. Our son needs extra support at school. He mostly didn't get it. Let me say that remote learning for toddlers SUCKS! As if they would want to learn, when their trove of toys lay beside them!

On the flip side of this remote learning, was the fact that my wife and I were still working full time. Having to take care of the kids, while working, well, it wasn't easy.

We all got Omicron in January. We survived.

It wasn't all bad though. I lost roughly 18kg. I started walking at night for stress release.

Our kids are closer than ever.

Considering the death toll, the financial toll, and emotional toll thrust on most people, I know my family is lucky.

The country's response could have been way better. At this point, I'd rather not waste energy criticizing.
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