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Old 05-10-2022, 06:43 PM   #6475 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lisnaholic View Post
At least 84 is "a good age" rostasi. Sorry someone you so admired has died.

I take your point, Trollheart and SGR: perhaps "ordinary innocent" is overstating the case, or at least should only be applied to her previous self, right up until she made a really bad decision and, as they say, "paid the ultimate price." For that reason, I think I'm ready to give her a break in eternity and let her RIP, given how badly her blunder at age 56 turned out for her. But sure, go ahead with a "vengeance is mine saith the lord" approach if you prefer. She is in the end a total stranger to all of us: a story briefly in the news, which we'll forget about until (I predict) they make the Netflix movie about her.
I've no problem wishing someone rest in peace. Well, maybe Trump when he finally stops using up our air. But I just took issue with your characterisation of her. Which I think you've realised. So no harm done. Let her RIP; I just don't feel sorry for her. Nobody put a gun to her... oh. Sorry.
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