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Old 04-27-2022, 12:38 PM   #6459 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 4,008

I'd been expecting this for a long time - especially after he said he wasn't touring anymore. Only saw him perform once - and it was a double bill with Tangerine Dream. Just yesterday morning I was watching a segment from a live show he did where he set the sequencers going and left the stage (probably to go pee) and come back to extoll the beauty of sequencers to his audience who were entranced during those few minutes he was off-stage. Haven't always gone along with his sometimes unnecessarily abrasive attitudes about music or his 80's output that really sounds dated these days (at least, to me), but for over 50 years, he's always been a strong presence in my musical listening - from bedroom listening during my (pre)teen years to the time a couple of decades ago when I bought a 400-disc player for the house and filled it with just his music and let it play for months - to my current anticipation of his new work that extends his fascination with Dune.

Klaus Schulze
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