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Thread: Your Day
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Old 04-16-2022, 07:53 PM   #77102 (permalink)
ask me about cosmology
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Join Date: Oct 2016
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Originally Posted by jwb View Post
Today i took my coworker home and he needed me to bring him to stop and get his gfs purse that she drunkenly forgot the night before at her mom's house. She was literally on the phone bitching him out while we were on the way. His bitch seems bipolar in an unbearable way.

When we got to her mom's house they gave him the purse and some wrapped slices of processed cheese lol. Then we went to stop at some hood corner store nearby.. He goes in to get some blacks and as soon as he is inside this real skinny crackhead looking dude comes out and immediately is like "man I'm out here in these streets can i get 25 cents 50 cents etc."

I don't generally as a rule give alms to the homeless but sometimes i feel the spirit and look into my heart to give. I look in the tray and there's some coins. I pulled out 2 quarters and was like here is 50 cents. He looked at the tray and was like can i have the rest of the coins. It was a bunch of pennies bro and maybe 3 dimes.

i looked at the tray and was like ****, but i agreed and painstakingly picked up each coin one by one. While i was doing this he noticed i had a bottle cap from a Gatorade bottle sitting on my passenger seat and he picked it up and was like "let me get rid of this for you" and threw it away. Like this was some kind of service.

Then my friend came out of the store and talked to the dude a bit. I heard him say i love you bro etc as he was getting in the car and was guessing he knew the dude. Then as we were pulling off he told me it was his brother.
interesting situation JWB, lol at the cheese.
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