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Old 04-10-2022, 01:24 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Because of the Times - Kings of Leon - 2006

Another band I've been meaning to listen to for some time. Like a lot of the bands I have on my computer but have yet to listen to, I know Kings of Leon by reputation only, and can honestly say I have never heard one single song by them (no, not even "Sex on Fire"!) so when I say my familiarity with them is zero, I mean it. I know so little about them that until I Wiki'd them I thought they were English! Who's that laughing? Yeah, you there at the back...

Well, it's running now and I don't hate the opener, "Knocked Up", quite catchy in fact, but you can keep "Charmer": it's just terrible, like the Smiths doing punk! Ugh! Will this, I find myself wondering, be an album of extremes: some tracks I'll like, others I'll hate? Perhaps not: God I hate this guy's voice! It just grates on me like nails on a blackboard! I doubt much can rescue this album, indeed this band, for me now: sure, we're only four tracks in, but hey, if you can't stand the singer you're exceptionally unlikely to warm to the band, and though the music is generally okay, I don't see where the love for these guys is coming from, as to me they sound very distinctly average.

"Black Thumbnail" has a certain Springsteen charm to it, until suddenly it speeds up and loses the feeling; I'm really struggling to find anything decent to say about this album at all. There's a decent guitar solo near the end of "True Love Way", but really, it's a little crack of light in the overall darkness. Do Kings of Leon do any instrumentals? I could really do without hearing - what's his name anyway? Caleb Followill - Jesus! These guys are all brothers? Well, I'll persevere to the end of the album, because I never leave a review half-finished, but who the hell told this guy he could sing? He sounds half the time like he's hoarse, and he certainly has (to me anyway) no charm, warmth, charisma or class in his voice.

Right, let it run on. Okay vocal harmonies and a decent melody to "Fans", another good solo, but the big problem is still there, and our man Caleb ain't going away! Guess I'm in the minority, as KoL have been very successful, but then, so have a lot of bands I would not rate. Acquired taste? Maybe, but I don't see myself ever savouring his vocals, and the music, though not terrible, is nothing that special either. There's a nice idea in "The Runner", but it never seems to really get going, and there's a sleazy, Chris Isaakesque feel to "Trunk" which isn't bad, but Caleb seems unable to stay in tune (seriously!) and ruins it.

Okay, okay! The closer is quite nice, and even Caleb's singing is not too irritating or distracting, in fact weirdly "Arizona" reminds me of Chris Rea's "Nothing's Happening By the Sea". But by now it's way too late for a rearguard action or a last minute push, and Kings of Leon have lost me. I hate this album, and as long as this guy remains with them (which I guess is still the case today) I won't be listening to any more of their records.


Knocked Up
On Call
Black Thumbnail
My Party
True Love Way
The Runner

Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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