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Old 03-21-2022, 08:59 PM   #7 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
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Originally Posted by WWWP View Post

A thread for questions, answers, reviews, and sharing about your favorite skincare products, makeup tools and techniques, and anything else that comes up relating to health, skincare, beauty, and practical applications of such.

To start the thread off I'll include some general information about skincare and skin types, and then later get into even more basics (skincare products, routines, etc).

Skincare is for everyone, and although the topic is commonly paired with makeup and the use of cosmetics, it's necessary for everyone to understand how to take care of their skin - but they don't make it easy to figure out!
Great thread idea WWWP. I am very interested in working on skincare as mine is non existent.

Originally Posted by WWWP View Post
In my experience my dermatologist is only good for writing my prescriptions, otherwise she has given me no useful information about taking care of my skin and everything I've learned about my skin type, the changes in my skin as I've aged, and the products that proved to be effective in my own skincare journey over the past six months was found through researching online, in tiktoks, and on youtube. Here I will summarize my findings.
I am really grateful that you mentioned a dermatologist as if I can access one in the future I will create a list of questions to have them answer for me. I am looking forward to seeing your research.

I'm 34 and I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which means my skin stays rejuvenated and youthful so I tend to look ten years younger. And before anyone says anything I'm not boasting as I'd rather not be in 24/7 chronic pain and injuring myself all the time.
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Originally Posted by WWWP View Post
Before moving on, I'm curious if anyone else is currently undergoing a skincare journey (now that a lot of us are in our 30s) or has any insight into the health benefits of skincare with personal experiences. What is your skin type? What is your current routine? Any success/horror stories to share?
Using your tests I believe I'm combination (with a hint of sensitive as well)
Due to years of battling mental health I will say that I haven't done my skin any favours. I use exfoliating face wash with a face cloth and then a sunscreen based moisturising cream to finish. On the weekends I do black charcoal masks but I think they are out of fashion now.

Great topic, I look forward to seeing more.
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