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Thread: Steven Severin
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Old 03-08-2022, 10:39 AM   #2 (permalink)
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He really was. For every 10,000 chicks who emulated Siouxsie there must've been one guy who was really into Severin and for a while I was this guy (though Hugh Cornwell is my big postpunk inspiration)

I enjoy his soundtrack work, it fits old Surrealist films really well, and in a way that fits with part of what I love about the Banshees. As he puts it himself:

You are best known as a member of Siouxsie and the Banshees. What appeal will this production have to fans of that band?

I think they’ll recognize the kind of lineage of the music. Not necessarily if they only know the singles, but if they know the Banshees albums, they’ll know that there’s always been a fairly cinematic element to the Banshees.

To me it’s just a natural evolution, and the way I think of it is my new front person is the movie. That’s taken centre stage, and I’m doing what I always did, just being on the side, controlling the music. It makes sense to me, and if people know what I’ve done specifically, The Glove and my work with Lydia Lunch and all that, things that have gone parallel with the Banshees, it won’t come as a shock. I hope not anyway. It might be a pleasant surprise.
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