Originally Posted by Trollheart
Oh wow, mixed emotions here. Glad to see you're okay ribbons, but sorry about your troubles. Also sorry I haven't got around to sending you my stories yet, but it's a problem linked to my religion: I'm a member of the Church of Lazy Bastards, I'm sure you understand.
If you still want me to send, let me know, but if you're up to your eyes I more than understand. It'll wait. Meanwhile, you can always PM me if you need to talk. 
Hey, you! Of course I understand; and please, send them whenever you can and whenever you're ready. No rush and I'll always be looking forward to reading them.
Thanks for being a friend and always making me laugh (just yesterday I thought of something funny you once posted here - something about the unlikelihood of a publisher falling out of a plane and crashing into your bedroom - and I broke into hysterics.
