Originally Posted by jadis
Kremer is brilliant. My personal favorite recording will always be his great teacher David Oistrakh with his son Igor on DG. Many would say that esp in comparison with more recent versions, Kremer's for example, it's too "inauthentic", as in not informed in the slightest by considerations of historical accuracy as raised by performance on period instruments, too lush, too "Romantic" etc etc. I'm sure that's all not without merit but I also don't care esp when it's Oistrakh with his warm, gorgeous tone. What they do with the slow movement is incredible (though all three movements are 10/10).

Yes, the period instrument/historical accuracy arguments are really pointless. All that matters is how we (the living) interpret it for our time. Actually, all that really maters is your enjoyment. I'll have to get a copy of the Oistrakh DG recording. Thanks.