Originally Posted by adidasss
Ok so I don't actually use tiktok but my instagram feed is filled with tiktok videos some of which are quite funny.
Credit where due, the instagram algorithm usually knows what I like or what I may not like at present but will grow on me if it appears regularly in reels. Unlike all the other platforms that recommend the worst ****.
A while ago Turkish kebab guys started appearing in my reels, and even though I don't eat meat and am not a fan of anything meat-related, I can't take my eyes off these meat-loving Turks.
This guy is my current favorite. I don't even know what are the types of meat he deals in but it's disgusting, compelling and beautiful. I never miss a single story.
Originally Posted by BassoonPlatoon
I don't think you watch YouTube that much, if at all.
Whoa there, take it easy, that's too harsh an indictment!