Originally Posted by Marie Monday
Oh, you're a fellow INTJ
Originally Posted by Marie Monday
I don't really recognise myself in the description though
The 16personalities.com test isn't really reliable.
And the descriptions on these websites are usually pretty inacurate.
A better way to understand what a type means is to read about the cognitive functions themselves, and how they affect each other in given order.
If you'd like to check your actually type you should do like 20-30 of such tests (on different sites) and then just make an average of what comes up the most.
I did so, and in 8/10 I was an INTJ, and 2/10 an INFJ.
Also I've been typed already by a couple of people (including my ex-girlfriend) interested in MBTI as INTJ.
So based the data I assume that's the one