Welcome to Journaltown!

Just a suggestion: maybe you might like to write a few lines about these songs/albums, how you purchased them, what they mean to you and so on? It's just that a bunch of videos isn't really going to attract too many people to your journal, though of course if you want to go that way that's up to you; but I tend to look on a journal as a way to talk to people about my music, maybe (once, long ago, long given up now) try to get them into it, or at least explain what it is I like (or don't like) about it.
It makes it more interesting, both for the reader and for you as a writer. If you really have that big a collection, surely there are many facts and stories you can share with us?
I've been journalling here for about 10 years, on and off, and it's become obvious to me over the years that the journals that get the most interest are, well, the interesting ones. You need to keep people's attention and draw them in, give them something to come back for.
Meh, maybe you're happy doing this as you are. Just a thought and some well-meaning advice from someone who knows his way around this section.
Best of luck anyway.