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Old 11-10-2021, 05:32 AM   #1200 (permalink)
Aficionado of Fine Filth
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R. Kelly's cellmate, Brendan Hunt, created a comic book about the two doing yoga together in their cell

Hunt’s “Prison Comics” creation depicts him as a “hero” and includes “special guest, R. Kelly,” who is shocked to learn his cellie is not aware he’s an international megastar.

“I’m the greatest R&B star in human history! How can you not know of R. Kelly?” the singer asks in the comic, enquiring whether he’s heard of hit songs like “Remix to Ignition” or “I Believe I Can Fly.”

“Millions of babies have been conceived to my records,” the comic book Kelly says.

“Well have you ever heard of the band Megadeath? Or Slayer? Or Dying Fetus?” Hunt asks in response, to which Kelly admits, “I guess I see your point.”

The comic then shows the two jailbirds bonding while practicing yoga together and includes drawings of the pair in warrior pose and downward dog.

“I feel very vulnerable right now,” cartoon Kelly says in the strip while in the downward dog pose.
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