Music Banter - View Single Post - Trollheart's Album Discography Reviews: Tom Waits
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Old 10-27-2021, 12:19 PM   #4 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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I have a real sneaking admiration for his debut. Sure, it's not the greatest but there are some excellent songs on there. Doesn't hold a candle of course to Rain Dogs, Small Change, Blue Valentines or Heartattack and Vine, but I still love it. The only albums likely to score low I would think would be some of the later ones like Black Rider (really don't like that), Blood Money and Alice maybe, but everything has its redemption factor. Yeah, even Black Rider. I think.

As for Nea, if he comes in here complaining about Waits then my opinion of him will dip even lower than that which I have for Abacab. If you're not into an artist, stay the **** out the thread. Would I go into a thread for one of his favourite bands I don't like and start spouting about why I didn't like the artist?
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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