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Old 10-26-2021, 02:43 PM   #7132 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Um, I would have to take issue with any sexual orientation/choice being a "condition". That presupposes treatment to in most cases change or overcome the condition, making it almost always a negative thing. Someone would say "how's the cancer?" or maybe "how's your mental health" or somesuch, but I doubt anyone's said any of these three - "How's your straightness/heterosexuality?", "How's your homosexuality/lesbianism" or "How's your transhood?" (not sure if that's a word but you know what I mean).

When you call something a condition you've pretty much immediately implied there's a problem. Happiness is not a condition. Laziness is not a condition. Paralysis is a condition, so is measles. I think the definition of condition to include straight people (in an attempt to perhaps justify characterising people who are trans as having a condition) is disingenuous at best, maybe what you people call a strawman? Never quite understood that word really. But certainly the sort of thing that makes it look like an attempt at backtracking and retro-justification.

Just how I see it, but what do I know?
yeah it is a loaded term but also it's tricky to me... Like being born a midget might also be a condition. There are obvious medical issues associated. Yet it would be in poor taste to say there's something "wrong" with being one... It's just abnormal
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