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Old 10-22-2021, 07:39 AM   #872 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post

1. Everything else except for expressing opinions about what is offensive if not a part of offended group.

End of list.

Edit: You're obviously entitled to express your opinion about whatever you want, but also, anyone can tell you if your opinion is worth something or not. In this case it's not worth anything for the above reason. But thanks for sharing it with us anyway.
The idea that only the offended party get a voice in a situation like this is horsesh*t and I'm getting sick and tired of continuing to see this kind of entitled pussy ass attitude about it. It destroys casual observation and contrarian opposition which is needed so you don't just become an echo chamber. It's literally just an extension of the "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME DAD SO SHUT UP" phase of adolescence. It's bullsh*t. You should always at least hear out another person from a different makeup even if you disagree with them.

Speaking of disagreeing, I disagreed with a few things Dave said. I think he's ignorant on a few important issues that LGBTQ are sensitive about such as the "we all came from women" statements. I also don't give a sh*t if Kevin Hart got his Oscar job taken away because he said ***g*t a few times when he was younger. A company/organization can switch around their presenters however they see fit. That's how it works.

The point is that I don't automatically think it's "offensive" just because I disagreed. I also don't feel anybody should be offended IF THEY ACTUALLY WATCH THE STANDUP because Dave goes a pretty long way to explain how he realizes he's ignorant and doesn't understand yet still has had human interaction and experience that lead towards respect and acceptance.

Then there's the whole "comedy" thing, which will perk Big3's ears right up, and I'll tell you right now without going long that jokes are allowed to be told on a stage about pretty much anything because it's a legitimate art form and a way explore ideas and concepts that are considered taboo. The easiest way human beings do that is by using humor. You ever been in an awkward situation and make jokes to try and navigate the room? That's comedy. I make jokes at every funeral I go to because it's how I cope. Am I being OFFENSIVE? No. Comedy can be a bunch if fart jokes but it can also be a form of therapy and exploration. Whether you found Dave funny or not, if you watched the whole thing, you can at least tell he was trying to figure sh*t out and explain. I thought he did a good job.

That being said....did you actually watch it? Or did you just read "texts" telling you how you should feel about it?

I'm willing to make a bet...

I'll just be over here doing cis white guy stuff. I'll check in later. If anybody wants to discuss Breaking Bad, Ford F150s, or golf, I'll be over here. Just wanna stay in my lane and not encroach on anything not related to my identity markup.

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