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Old 10-17-2021, 04:14 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2021
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Default Helping identifying what scale this is written in, and why that may be an issue here

Hi everyone --

Any who can transcribe music by ear -- can you tell me what scale this piece is written in?

It's the closing credits music from the 1985 film "Killing Fields". By Mike Oldfield. Every sound is created electronically, no actual musical instrument from that part of the world is used.

Something in me said: "This is wrong. Something is not right about this music. Despite this sound being exotically beautiful, because it's unknown to me and so new and different to what I'm familiar with."

MY friend says: "Of course it's wrong! It's totally fake! IT's not written in any scale used in Khmer music.".

IS my friend right? What scale is this piece in?

again, the piece is here:
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