Music Banter - View Single Post - Trollheart's Album Discography Reviews: Bruce Springsteen
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Old 10-12-2021, 01:11 PM   #5 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Yeah I get what you say, but from my memory of reading one of his biographies when I was in my twenties, BTR was his last chance. The first two albums had bombed and he was going to be dropped, then he had his big hit. But Darkness did not, to my knowledge, yield any hit singles and it wasn't really until The River that, commercially, he came back at all. Given that BTR was his breakthrough album I imagine they hoped this would sell better. I know it has sold well over time, but in 1978, it would have achieved some sales due to being bought by those who had got into BTR, but I don't believe it was the follow-up smash the label had expected.
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