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Old 10-07-2021, 03:07 PM   #1104 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
You're looking at one... And if my memory serves me well, I think wolverine might be bi? Or I got it mixed up. In any case, there have been more than one, and I'm sure that's still the case, whether that's talked about a lot or not.
...and another one here.

This is probably as good a moment as any to comment that I have always felt somewhat isolated in the gay community, being a gay man whose musical tastes seem very much at odds with those of most of the LGBT community. Gay males seem to be supposed to love (a) musicals (the old time sort, not rock musicals); (b) anything with a danceable beat, irrespective of how monotonous; (c) anything bright and poppy in the Eurovision style, no matter how banal the tune or how vacuous the lyrics, as long as it's "life-affirming". I get bored with all that VERY quickly.

Now I like some disco tunes, I like some songs from musicals, and I like ABBA, but the existence of exceptions does not change my general dislike for most of the music that forms part of "gay culture". My suspicion is that it's a tribal thing. Saying "Yay, I love Kylie too" gets you accepted as part of the tribe.

Talk to most gay men about progressive rock, or indeed just about anything with drums and guitars, and you get a blank look. Again, this is a generalisation, but it's so often true. Also, for some odd reason, most of the artists that gay men hold up as music icons seem to be female.

The interesting thing is that least two of my favourite singer/songwriters are gay: Elton John, and George Michael.
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