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Thread: Your Day
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Old 09-19-2021, 03:55 PM   #75987 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Appreciate it Dianne...


Long story short...

Few of you may remember the issues I am having with the lacrosse retail store below us being a noise nuisance.

Well, after over an hour straight of rhythmic banging coming from their testing equipment, I gave them the ol' thumper of a "stomp on my floor in a 'shut the f*ck up' manner". They continued for almost another hour. They must have been busy. After the last customer left, the bangs INTENSIFIED GREATLY and I realized that the employee was now just doing it as loud as possible to piss me off.

I went down to tell them to stop and the kid working was HOT. He got in my face and called me an idiot for moving above a lacrosse store, whatever that means, and that I was a little bitch and to get the f*ck away from his store. Screaming in my face.

So, yeah, I'll be heading to the office tomorrow to report that little dense meatball.

I need a house and I need a house NOW.

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