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Old 09-14-2021, 02:25 AM   #75870 (permalink)
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Lisna, it was a bit of gentle ribbing and you know it! The worst thing I called him was "uncle"...

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I mean you've hinted at reactionary attitudes, if not made explicitly reactionary statements.

Your statement about whatever we were talking about when you said something about Foucault saying something about bitches be lying for clout or whatever the **** gave an impression that you might harbor misogynistic sentiments that you weren't being otherwise more forthcoming with. You might have just been offering up a counter view for the sake of argument, but I don't remember you bothering to offer up whatever your personal opinion is, which often smells of "hiding your power level".

And your statements right here and now (and other places) mocking Trollheart seem to hint at you being more concerned with rolling your eyes at "so-called leftist purity" than the issues leftists actually speak on, a common, glib method of throwing shade by reactionaries and boorish centrists *spits*.

Considering that you've spoken previously about being a leftist and not even knowing anymore where you fall, all this is why I ask you if you're a frustrated leftist or an apostate leftist turning to the right (in case you didn't pick up on the National Review Trotskyist joke).

I wonder if this miscommunication is due to me being a poor and lazy communicator or to your references and categories being limited to what you have picked up from the post-2016 "leftist" podcast boom. Seems like a bit of both...

I'm very familiar with and often impressed by various leftist analyses (and some right wing ones too). But between that and adopting the identity of a "leftist" there's a yawning chasm, which I don't remember crossing.

Why would I be a "disappointed leftist" if I've never bought in into Marxist teleology, for instance? My thing is to try to think critically and being a "leftist" seems like the opposite of that. Needing for some reason to show "solidarity" with a TV-addled uncle cause he's picking up some of the correct buzzwords? Yeah, sounds about "leftist".
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