Originally Posted by jadis
Yeah, that's why I asked jwb and not you: I'm more interested in how these things work in reality than in projection, conjecture and generic internet sanctimony, the entire point of which is establishing yourself as the goody good progressive anti-racist, anti-sexist boy.
You just can't resist taking any chance to abuse and insult me, can you? I suppose that speaks more to your own failings than mine. Nobody's perfect, but you go ahead and work out your persecution complex on me, sure why not? Also, since you opened with such a sentence, I was talking to jwb not you originally, so touche, turtle.
Also, I'm only progressive when it comes to rock.
Originally Posted by Psy-Fi
Hey, as long as I amuse the staff, huh?
Originally Posted by SoundgardenRocks
Cut Trollheart a break. He gets all his news from CNN.
There are other news channels??
Originally Posted by The Batlord
And he's a fifty year old Irish guy who just start believing in white privilege. Being a little cringe is to be expected.
Fifty-eight. Almost sixty now. Must remember to go pick out a nice coffin before it's too late.
Originally Posted by jwb
Nice attempt at woke points but you are a bit naive my Irish friend.
Being white has definitely come in handy but it's not some sort of invincibility cloak. If a cop finds you with your car broken down they're probably going to stop and question you.
As plankton intuited I'm not street legal yet plus yes if a cop smells weed they can use that as probable cause to search your vehicle.
What's funny is i have these giant get vaccinated signs in my trunk i was planning on doing something with. I think it'd be interesting to see what the cops would've made of that.
Well I prefer your response, which at least didn't have bile and vitriol spewing out of it just because I got it wrong. Thanks for your politeness.
Originally Posted by WWWP
I had two cops pointing their guns in my face at 18 all rosy cheeked and literally a pink bow in my hair, for rolling through a stop sign and into my driveway.
White privilege means this didn’t happen to me *because* of my skin color. Not that I am untouchable.
All of which convinces me further than America sucks.