Originally Posted by Trollheart
But he's hardly going to search him for drugs without due cause is he? I mean, he's going to see a WHITE guy trying to get his broken-down car off the road. He's not immediately going to think "better see if he has any banned substances on him" is he now? I guess if he were black, maybe that might be the cop's first thought, but for a white man? Doubt it. Unless jwb means he would lose it with the cop (not being known for his patience) and bring the search upon himself? Or is he just being overly paranoid?
Nice attempt at woke points but you are a bit naive my Irish friend.
Being white has definitely come in handy but it's not some sort of invincibility cloak. If a cop finds you with your car broken down they're probably going to stop and question you.
As plankton intuited I'm not street legal yet plus yes if a cop smells weed they can use that as probable cause to search your vehicle.
What's funny is i have these giant get vaccinated signs in my trunk i was planning on doing something with. I think it'd be interesting to see what the cops would've made of that.