Originally Posted by adidasss
Ok yeah, it doesn't really sound like you're bi, maybe bi-curious at most.  Your attitude towards sex with men sounds a little like mine towards women, but my conclusion is that while I could probably have sex with women, it would almost certainly be bad sex. If you're not ogling something with desire, best not to go down that route, otherwise you'd just be putting your dick in a hole. I figure. Sex should be mostly about enjoying each others' bodies and desire isn't really something anyone should consciously work on.
Bottom line, if you're not fantasizing about dick, it's not for you. 
I don't mind poking my dick in a hole. I think people should free themselves of unfounded prejudice and seek out pleasure in various ways. As long as your actions are lawful, you're up front with your intentions and honest about who you are and cause more pleasure than pain, you should generally be in the clear as far as I'm concerned
As for sex between men, it seems natural to me. Although men and women are generally like venn diagrams in that there's a lot of overlap, there is a general trend in sexuality where men and women are a little out of sync. For one thing, men tend to want more (extremely common guy-complaint in hetero relationships). Guys tend to find it easier to detach sex from emotion and are generally very capable of enjoying butt stuff, being equipped with prostate glands that seem to love that for some reason. So in some ways, guys seem better suited as sexual partners for other men than for women. Not true in every case, of course.
The idea that sex is for reproduction is of course antiquated. Rather, in many social animals (mammals in particular), sex seems to be also or even more often for social bonding / glueing, also between same-sex individuals.
Hence, I think that a population of humans healthily expressing their nature would feature a lot more of men on men sexuality. I just feel like I'm probably a person with a fairly average / standard desires who's open minded, perhaps a little gluttonous. But bi-curious is probably a good description (have some experience, would like more).
Originally Posted by The Batlord
What if you've been drinking tequila?
I'm a teetotal

Also I never particularly enjoyed drunken sex. If I was drinking with a hot chick (or chack), I would rather pick her brains than her bean.