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Old 08-24-2021, 09:19 PM   #75627 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jadis View Post
Nah, not really. One has to remember that no two people have the same exact frame of reference, that not every joke lands the way it's intended etc. But usually when familiarity and with it a common frame of expectations have been established, and you know you're on safe ground, then yeah, I usually say what I want in the confidence that it wouldn't be misconstrued.

I assumed that was the case, at least to a degree, with me and a few users on this platform: I remember joking around about lesbian friends and their mating habits, for example.

Maybe I was wrong (this is the first anonymous forum I've used since like 2006, not saying I always read the room correctly), maybe Batlord likes the woke high ground a bit too much, dunno. But then I also can't be bothered to care what someone like adidasss thinks about me: life's too short.
I can certainly understand where you're coming from. I think it's just difficult to have that perspective on the internet. Everyone has different views and opinions and the internet and forums in general can be a place where people feel free enough to express those opinions. Believe me, when I'm in a comfortable environment I'm pretty bad as well. Humor knows no bounds. I'll make fun and pick fun at everything and anything. However in the context of the internet and forums, there's already so much negativity and comments being misconstrued that really the safest way to go about it is just to dial back and just do your own thing. And throw in some positivity here and there.

That's my 2 cents anyway. But what do I know, I'm just a guy on the internet.
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