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Old 08-24-2021, 07:53 PM   #75623 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I mean if you have issues with people socially then that's one thing but if you choose to target gay people as the reason you have issues with people socially then either you're a bigot or you're using gay people as an excuse for having social problems.
I had one (1) lesbian have issues with me, for which I was blasted by a guy who hates me for disliking mid-2000 indie, and who happens to be gay.

The reason I felt comfortable making a gag about those two (2) misadventures with the LGBTQ community? Because my social circle and cultural world could hardly be any more removed from any whiff of homophobia, and I feel extremely secure joking about it. Walking on eggshells about this kind of stuff is extremely tedious, though I obv have to do it in the professional context as we all do.
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