Woah, well said Crowe! Yes, you did come off angry but the points you made were great. I've seen American-bashers use the excuse "you're the richest/most powerful country in the world, surely you can take a few insults", but can't really see how living in a rich country would make an individual person that much less offended by jokes at their expense.
I don't know who that Muppet user is or where they came from, but I'm guessing that (from the username) they've been the victim of a time-warp and are still stuck somewhere in the 90's, when people actually called each other Muppets.
The only type of America-bashing which I don't have personal issue with is that which non-Americans direct against the current US international policy. This is because there I see little evidence that the US government has been acting - internationally - for the wellbeing of anybody other than US citizens (which is reasonable enough as that's who votes them in, but is annoying for everybody else).
Explosions-In-My-Pants, the main reason that you find it easier to understand (Northern State) American and Canadian accents is that those are the ones you are most used to. They're the ones which you most frequently see on TV and are probably the ones most similar to your own accent too.
Originally Posted by Katyppfan
When Pete plays it is 100% live , your music if that's what you call it doesn't sound so good either? so you can't really critercize can you ?