Awesome. I don't know London too well, there are a few Londoners here who will be able to tell you more, but I don't live too far away and used to go there regularly before corona. If you have any questions I may be able to help, even though I only know the basic things. My favourite places to visit are the British Museum and the National Gallery, and I liked watching the sun set over the lake in Hyde Park. I've never been to any of the big venues, only some really small ones which I don't remember.
Originally Posted by Trollheart
You sound like Buffy after they dragged her back from Heaven.
Originally Posted by WWWP
I want to open a school for MB's lost boys and teach them basic coping skills and build up their self esteem and strengthen their emotional intelligence and teach them about vegetables and institutionalized racism and sexism and then they'll all build a bronze statue of me in my honor and my bronzed titties will forever be groped by the grubby paws of you ****ing whiny pathetic white boys.