This is an extract that I wrote up a few months ago..feels like years ago now...on gardeners ex member
though, many of us got ..locked out.....

Feb 2021 from Gardeners Corner a Forum in the UK...
You will find it very hard to like any of these tracks..My bestest mate the late Rosi Pink and I would regularly go to South Norwood Public Halls(Stanley Halls) for Gigs and this particular night it was the terrifying Screaming Lord Sutch... at 14 years old we thought it a terrible gig..frightening, to never repeat that kind of 'artist' again...Joe Brown and the Bruvvers, The Yardbirds with Eric Clapton as great memories, more that, I cannot remember and then Wallington Public Halls where many famous artists appeared in the 60's mad times but great times.. but never will Screaming Lord Sutch be forgotten