I took acid at a campsite with this view yesterday
Woke up at two AM to take it so that I'd be peaking during sunrise. Right when I took it and eased into my chair for the ride, raccoons came out from the brush after our food. They kept trying to go for our food locker despite our shouting until we grabbed a brighter lamp to flicker at them (we were rocking glowsticks up until then). We almost had the thought of giving them food and making friends, but we couldn't run the risk of them outwitting us and taking control of the situation while in that state. That turned out to be a good move.
Crisis averted, it was back to easing into the trip. The butterflies in the stomach began and I did my best to settle as that began to creep, waiting for that full release into trip mode that I've had in my past acid experiences. But it just kept cycling up in waves. I've had four of five of those waves before settling into a trip before, but it just kept going. My trip partner who always vomits on psychedelics hurled and I thought maybe we were reaching the end of this intense come up. Any attempts to relax were knocked down by the waves and my trip partner's hurling session was going into dry heaving. A few minutes after the initial hurling stopped, my friend said that it won't be so bad if it doesn't get more intense than this and I pretty much knew we were ****ed. We decided to lay down on the air mattresses we brought to ride out this part, and what ensued was akin to the film Bug as it all set in.
Glowsticks lit up the tent billowing in the wind as the trip just kept increasing in intensity, showing no signs of stopping. My friend was vomiting as I stripped down, sweating my brains out as my muscles seized and jumped with the hexadic waves. There was a point where I began having visions of atoms crushing me and squeezing larvae out that formed into a slug creature. I felt swallowed up in the creature that was hardening into something warlike when my muscles began tensing and I shifted to a scorpion being, breaking out of the larvae. The intensity went up and up in waves that rattled and I shifted into another larvae form before becoming a mammoth rattlesnake beast slithering up the mountain of this trip. Between the waves I did what I could to soothe my friend who was having a worse time of it than I was, or was at least more affected by it.
Suddenly there was a growl outside of the tent. Whether the trip was going down
that route or whether there was an animal outside, that **** was not good. We had both heard it though, and since I thought it sounded like a bobcat/mountain lion, I thought it was best to try to stay silent. Then there was more growling and scuffling outside the tent. We realized that the raccoons were back and fighting with each other. I yelled, flashed the light on them, and they ****ed off but goddamn, bad timing twice my dudes.
I continued my metamorphosis as my back and chest began shifting into a leopard's body. It was so much that I was on the verge of losing consciousness and struggling to breath at points. My friend called the person who gave us the stuff and we found out that the gummy strips each had four doses when we thought they only had one. Making for eight tabs each of some acid when we only thought it was two, and it felt like it had some nasty byproducts in it too. My metamorphosis stage had combined all of its previous forms into a giant monster that I was but also was riding at the same time, feeling like I was being driven up the hellish mountain as a slave to the molecule whipping me no matter how much I struggled.
I went outside, still feeling like the beast, and the person my friend was talking to on the phone arrived so that a sober person could be on the scene for this right as the sun was coming up. The trip kept hitting in waves, but they were more or less of the same intensity that I could begin to navigate a bit a little over two hours into the trip. Looking at the view, I lost sight of the beast when I realized that it had grown to a scale that I could no longer make out, that the beast had grown to become the earth, the universe itself and had entirely swallowed me up and I was it in the same way that the cells of my body are me, that I was a necessary function of the universe but nothing without the relationship between myself and the totality of minutiae that makes up the whole of everything. I was now the universe and unsure of whether or not I'd lost myself along the way. You know how that goes.
From then on it was full throttle visual dopeness and we did your typical trippy ****: laughing, jamming, hiking, zoning out, etc. I didn't come down until this morning. That was the hardest I'd ever tripped on anything and had never experienced such a physical journey. It was awesome.
Oh, and this track/album rocked my whole world aka me.