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Old 06-14-2021, 03:35 AM   #11 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Apr 2021
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Just decided to print off all this journal and sorry Ireland but your history has just taken a rest...for now. I will find it better to read off paperback than sitting over the Laptop for so long, the weather is ideal for lazing around just cool drinks and a good book. Life is just a bed of roses...sayings love sayings..I write poetry in jest form and it is all quite unprintable but funny to moi. must do stuff that makes you laugh...
loads of various sayings here.

This is the land adjoining our garden that we are buying as the fear of having something built on itand disrupting our life style is worth every Euro.
In fact the costs of the estate agents fees that the buyer pays that here in France also the Notaire fees so it amount to about half the cost of the land..paying around 15,000 Euros in all, so the price is ok just showing how robbing b's, these organisations are...everywhere I world only things that seems to count with um...Cheers for now, Dianne
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