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Old 05-14-2021, 08:57 AM   #268 (permalink)
Just Keep Swimming...
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Here's a little story about a table that wanted to become a disc golf rack.

I started out cleaning up the clutter in my small garage:

Then I decided to put my PA and cabinets that were just sitting around doing nothing to use, so I bought a TV and wfi extender and hooked it all up. Now I can get any stream, music, etc. in my little man-cave. Yay!:

But what to do with all those discs? Hmmmm...

Aha! I have an old coffee table that was basically flattened by my friend when he 'helped' me move years ago. This thing was literally flat after he tripped on a step and fell, all 250 lbs of him, directly on top of it. I had put it back together with some wood screws, but it's always been kinda rickety:

Ok, so let's get to work. Step 1 is planning it all out with some measuring to make sure the discs will seat properly between the board and the dowel rod. Lots of dry fitting and adjusting until I got it right and drew it all up:

Then, drill some holes...

...and put it all together:

Hmmm... that sagging just isn't right. If I'd have used 1/2" steel rods it would have been fine, but I'm too far into it now to start over.

What do I do now?

continued in next post...
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