Originally Posted by jwb
You know what I do with discussions I find boring? Nothing lol I just ignore them. Crazy concept I know.

I also find little of interest in those long philosophical/political debates that some of you like, but I'm ok with following jwb's advice.
Originally Posted by SoundgardenRocks
For forums, the wake and the funeral has long been over. But we've decided to pitch a tent and have some beers by the grave to pass the time.
Could one of us suggest that we (participants of off-topic conversation) move the conversation to a more appropriate thread for the subject matter? Sure we could. Will others actually follow suit and continue conversation in the other thread? Unlikely. Even if they did, what if that conversation then again veers off the topic at hand? Move the conversation again to a different thread? In short, this is why forums in general are dead.
I like the image of the tent, the beers and the grave. Is that what we are now, guys camping out in the ruins ? Actually, I don't think so. Does anyone else spot an inconsistency between declaring MB dead and wondering how to manage pages of spontaneous discussion that erupt in the wrong thread? That seems like a clear sign of life to me; we are like doctors declaring, "This patient is dead. If only he'd stop breathing!"
While I'm a big fan of on-topic threads in the music sections, I think the lounge has always been an unpredictable ragbag of posting - that's part of its charm.
Here's a modding idea that I don't think I've ever seen used. If a thread is getting seriously derailed, put a link to where the conversation should be taking place, then temporarily close the thread that's off-track. Not saying it would work, and it would put yet another burden on Marie, who seems to be the only actively-participating mod these days. She would have to become a traffic cop as well, waving cars down a detour to get them back on the right road.