Originally Posted by SoundgardenRocks
You think if America adopted more socialist policies, then China would suddenly become our friend? And we'd no longer be fighting proxy wars with Russia?
No. Just that neither would try to topple us just for being communist. We obviously have to do more to repair our relationship with both regardless.
Originally Posted by jwb
Not exactly, but I'm saying the USSR probably industrialized as quickly as it would be possible to do so. If they opened themselves up to the global economy the way China did there would be a number of issues with that.
1) it goes directly against the state ideology which at the time was attempting to produce a system that rivaled western capitalism, not imitated it.
2) industrialization was already happening and if they went the normal capitalist route it would've been a much more gradual process.
Then you get to the part about being less authoritarian... As in having actual elections and ****? The bolsheviks would've been voted right out of power. So the combination of embracing the market while being less authoritarian basically leads to just another western capitalist country. Which again.... You really do confident that after the "stage of capitalism" happens there will be another window for revolution? They thought this about western europe in 1848 and here we are still waiting.....
I disagree. Simply because state controlled capitalism has been proven to build up industry at extremely high rates and it's obviously a much better alternative to what they did even if it took longer. TBF it's hard to know if you could build industry in a socialist country because America will do everything in it's power to topple socialist societies.
I don't know how I can be any more clear by what I meant with less authoritarian. Like not banning art and oppressing people's rights to free speech.
The main difference would be they'd be doing capitalism with the goal of communism in mind. Like China who has already started to transition.
Isn't social democracy huge in western Europe anyways?